EWMT Head Start Program
Our EWMT Head start program is carefully designed for students studying from year one through to year six focusing on skills including English, writing, Mathematics and Thinking Skills.
Our EWMT Head start program is carefully designed for students studying from year one through to year six focusing on skills including English, writing, Mathematics and Thinking Skills.
The old adage “practice makes perfect” can really hold true for your child and his or her education.
The more practice and exposure your child has with concepts being taught in school, the more success he or she is likely to experience. For many parents, knowing how to help their children may be frustrating because the resources may not be readily available.
As a parent it is also difficult to know where to focus your efforts so that the extra practice your child receives at home supports what he or she is learning in school.
Our english books have been written to give practice with reading and answering questions to help students fully comprehend what is read. Our books are intended to help students develop successful strategies for reading comprehension. The students accomplish this by reading passages and articles and then answering a variety of questions using a specific strategy which are taught in the class by our expert teacher’s in the class.
In addition to providing strategy practice, our books also offer a range of text types so the students will feel confident in a variety of situation. Text types are usually broken into two broad categories. ithin each group are number of choices – Some are listed below.
As you can see, the list is quite long. It is important that student develop comprehension skills from a variety of text types.
The strategies included in ours books are listed below:
Does your child need extra maths help? Are they struggling at school or perhaps they are frustrated and need enrichment?
We can help your child improve their mathematical skills in line with the Curriculum.Our Mathematics programme is designed to equip your child with the fundamental skills required for success in school Mathematics.
We focus on the most important learning areas in maths including problem solving and working mathematically. Many students find this challenging, but with our help they learn strategies to achieve the right answers, every time.
Our programme covers all the essential areas of the school curriculum that will be necessary to get your child ready for Selective School Test. Our English books have been written to give practice with reading and answering questions to help students fully comprehend what is read.
Your child will be guided through the following Modules in a manner appropriate to his or her needs and learning style. This approach ensures growing confidence and success.
At pre uni college, we help your child to master essential primary school writing skills.
There will be focus on two text types in a term. We cover various text types (narratives, persuasive, explanation, discussion, procedure, report, recount,and description ) in a year. Your child will learn the five steps of the writing process including prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing.
Our Local Australian trained teacher talks aloud the thought processes as a writer. They have complete control over the writing and make explicit the structure, language features, spelling and punctuation of the text types. Students contribute their ideas and thoughts for the teacher to select the most appropriate. Each student’s writing will be marked carefully, adhering to strict guidelines in accordance with the NSW curriculum.
We aim to:
Thinking Skills develops a set of transferable skills, including.
That students can apply across a wide range of subjects and complex real-world issues.
The syllabus enables students to develop their ability to analyse unfamiliar problems, devise problem solving strategies, and evaluate the diverse ways a problem may be solved. During a Thinking Skills course, students learn to put their personal views aside in favour of examining and evaluating the evidence. Students learn how to make informed and reasoned decisions and construct evidence-based arguments.
These independent thinking skills build confidence and equip students with a toolkit for tackling complex and unfamiliar subjects, essential for successful progression to higher education or into professional employment.
Fully aligned to the new Selective and OC test pattern, this course is designed to provide the child with the necessary skills and practice to build a solid foundation for these tests.